Youth on Board
Boston, MA

Youth on Board’s mission is to revolutionize the role of young people in society by changing adultist attitudes toward young people and strengthening relationships among young people, and between young people and adults. Our youth develop an understanding of the ways power is unequally distributed in our society and use this analysis to implement community and political organizing strategies that undermine racism, climate injustice, and adultism in their schools and communities.
Our latest project is focused on the 2020 elections, which is the most critical of our lifetimes for determining our nation’s climate change agenda and the fate of our entire planet. Young people today – particularly young people of color – are the least responsible for climate change, yet they will bear the greatest burden from the impacts of the climate crisis. We will spend the 2020 summer tapping into the latent power of the youth vote by galvanizing young people to turn out in record numbers and prioritize climate change at the ballot box.