Application Deadline 2100 days 14 hours 55 minutes

TB Sweat Test


Website http://www.gaporglobal.com/


About TB Sweat Test

Tuberculosis TB is a global public health problem. The scourge is heavy on low-income countries. Only a third of the estimated 9 million cases were detected. In Nigeria, more than 60% of TB cases are missed. In addition, those that were detected suffered a delay in diagnosis. A major roadblock in combating TB is the lack of fast and accurate diagnostics for use, especially at rural centers or self-testing. The currently available techniques are expensive, highly technical, require lots of infrastructural support which are not readily available. Even where the facilities are available, it takes two days for a diagnosis to be made with patients making repeated visits to the hospital.

The project is about using a simple and patient-friendly innovative device to increase TB detection, to fasten diagnosis and surveillance. The proposed solution uses a new method of detecting TB without using sputum or pricking any patients for blood. The solution will detect TB within 10 minutes by applying a special strip or patch to the skin and or saliva. The result can be read as positive or negative by anyone in very easy steps. Those with positive results are linked to a treatment center for further testing and treatment. At the clinic, patients are commenced on anti TB drugs at the same clinic visit. The solution can be used at health post or even at home for self-testing in symptomatic individuals. It is also for mass community screening.

How to get involved

  1. They can share to increase awareness
  2. They can also support either financially or by providing other support needed for scale
  3. Purchase it
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