Application Deadline 1957 days 19 hours 35 minutes
Headshot of Art Reyes
Headshot of Art Reyes
2020 Fellow

Art Reyes III

Art is the founding Executive Director of We The People. He was born and raised in Flint, MI and hails from three generations of proud UAW members. Before WTP, Art was the training director at the Center for Popular Democracy, where he led national training programs for organizers, lead staff, and executive directors. He spent much of 2016 working in Flint responding to the water crisis and helped launch Flint Rising. Previously he led Michigan Voice, a statewide civic engagement organization. He has a BA from Michigan and MPP from Harvard where he taught a community organizing class with Marshall Ganz. He’s filled with random facts about the state of Michigan and has a gigantic dog named Kona the Coney Dog.

Project Description  

We The People – Michigan launched in the summer of 2017, focusing first on building deep relationships in a wide range of rural, urban, and suburban communities across the state. We are focused on 1) building rigorous, disciplined, organizing capacity in communities across the state, 2) developing a strong proactive narrative and people’s agenda rooted in communities, and 3) uniting Michiganders across identities and geographies and engaging people to build collectively toward economic and racial justice. We are focused on building multi-racial, working-class community organizing infrastructure that recognizes a linked fate across many communities in Michigan and works to transform our communities and state into a place where our people can live with dignity.

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