Application Deadline 2100 days 13 hours 49 minutes
2021 Fellow

Rochelle Keyhan
Collective Liberty


Personal Bio

Rochelle Keyhan is the Chief Executive Officer of Collective Liberty and the 2018 Thomson Reuters Foundation Stop Slavery Hero. Rochelle’s focus on shifting systems to address root causes has led to the arrest of over 1,000 human traffickers, training of over 3,000 investigators, and shift in approach toward human trafficking in over 100 agencies and institution. This work is informed by her decade of experience in government and nonprofit organizations as an advocate for vulnerable populations. She has a proven record as a prosecutor handling over 20,000 misdemeanor and felony gender-based violence cases in Philadelphia. Before creating Collective Liberty, she worked at Polaris where she authored the national playbook for ending massage parlor trafficking.

Project Description

We are shifting pieces of our culture that allow exploitation to flourish toward a strong culture of intolerance of exploitation — toward Collective Liberty for all. Our advocacy leverages technology to reach and empower everyday people to end human trafficking. We created the Forging Freedom portal to fill a huge gap in the anti-human trafficking field: lack of systematic, coordinated data-sharing and collaboration. As we identify policy trends in the field, actionable data from first responders, and needs expressed directly by survivors, we share ways the general population can take action through digital communities of practice. This allows activists and advocates alike to scale data-driven, local policy solutions at a coordinated national level by taking concrete, actionable steps.

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