Application Deadline 2073 days 10 hours 16 minutes
2021 Fellow

Yessica Xytlalli Holguín
Center for Community Wealth Building


Personal Bio

Yessica Holguín is the executive director of Center for Community Wealth Building, an organization that promotes strategies for a sustainable economy and works to transform the current economic system to a more inclusive and equitable model. Prior to CCWB, Yessica was a Country Director at Project Gettysburg-León, an international sister-city organization in Nicaragua. In this role, Yessica worked with local leaders, organizations, and government agencies to build capacity and create partnerships to leverage resources and promote sustainable development. Yessica grew up in the Swansea neighborhood in Denver and has done grassroots community organizing with immigrant groups and low-income communities across Metro Denver since 2000. She has dedicated her life to creating opportunities for disenfranchised communities to break the cycle of poverty through education and entrepreneurship.

Project Description

The racial wealth gap, driven by systemic white supremacy, has exposed the fragility and flaws of our economic system. Center for Community Wealth Building is actively working to change this reality by democratizing ownership, strengthening entrepreneurship opportunities for BIPOC communities, and engaging place-based institutions. CCWB works to build an economy that catalyzes prosperous and resilient communities free from racism and injustice. We envision a world where access to opportunity is guaranteed by policies and institutions that allow for everyone to attain economic security and have the opportunity to contribute with dignity to their own well-being and the common good. We strive to inspire a fundamental shift within individuals, communities, institutions, and systems to support a thriving local economy and sustainable way of life.

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